Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy

At we take your privacy seriously. To find out about how we treat the personally identifiable information we gather about you online, how we use it, and why we need it please read the following: collects personally identifiable information when you register to use our on-line services. The gathering of this information is essential to enable us to provide you with the necessary level of service. It is possible to use our on-line services without registering, however, the service we provide is greatly reduced.

When you register with us we may ask for one or more of the following fields: your name, email, address, date of birth, gender, plus any other information you may volunteer to us as part of the sign-up process. We use this information we gather about you: to provide you with the products and services you request; to contact you from time to time about special offers and new products/services; to improve our service levels by monitoring usages and behavioural patterns.

Please note that does not share or rent your personal information with third parties unless you have specifically consented to allow us to share your personal information with third party organisations or We need to share your information in order to provide a product or service you have requested.

Your Ability to Edit your Data

You have total freedom to login and amend any of your details at any time, including whether or not you want us to contact you in the future with special offers or news of new products and services.

Security protects your personal information using a unique password and login-id. It is your responsibility to safeguard your password and login-id. Do not share this information with anyone.

Changes to this Policy may modify the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make a substantial or material change to the way in which we will use your personal data we will contact you by email and prominently post a web page on the website detailing the changes.

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