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@sk Lynne

Lynne EwartI'm Lynne Ewart ,a busy Scots astrologer, who loves writing about astrology in action. I write for the Scottish Sunday Mail,  and for YOURS magazine, as well as providing web content and audio services for various national and international publications. I'm also a wife ( to an artist and woodsculptor) and a mum of two great kids, with three gorgeous grandbabies, and while age is a plus to any astrologer, as the subject takes a lifetime to study, well, yes..I did start young! I was a mum as I turned 19, and an astrologer since I was 22. I plan to be doing this for as long as I am here on planet Earth, as it's my passion and simply, my path in life.


Lynne Ewart,  Scottish Sunday Mail astrologer ,was first astrologer for  sister paper,  Scottish Daily Record, over 18 years, and also is astrologer for No 1 Magazine in Scotland, (  and astrologer for the hugely successful YOURS magazine (, and provides audio and web content for various publications both national and international.

She currently writes and records horoscopes for around 4 million readers.

Lynne is available for freelance feature work, and can, of course supply horoscope columns, along with the full range of  technological add on services.

.Email [email protected] for more details.


About Lynne
Personal Readings
Tarot Readings
Cosmic Updates

Personal Readings

Lynne Ewart’s Personal Audio readings combining an overview of your personal birth chart,  Astrology and Tarot, (£75  transmitted to you by mp3 on email) are occasionally available but not right now, due to other commitments.There will be a notification on here when the list is open again.

If you would like to be wait listed, then email on  [email protected] 


Psychic Readings

Not currently available.

Tarot Readings

FREE   and easy to use! Check out my unique Tarot system to cast your own card reading! Your feedback is constantly delightful, thankyou!

Online, in an instant, just for you!

Click for tarot readings

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