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Thursday 17th October 2024  Big Aries Super Moon today. It's ignited a lot of passionate feelings, as Aries is ruled by Mars, the warrior planet, currently in Cancer, sign of the family, home, womb, roots, origins, and that's jarring with this Moon, as well as forming an explosive opposition to Pluto, which is the "what's really going on underneath it all" planet associated with stripping things right back and perhaps beginning again, being rebirthed, being all stirred up about issues long buried.
There could be disagreements about what needs to be fixed, or about how to do that, but there are sparks that can also lead to successful action.
Today's full Moon represents the peaking of situations, the turning point, the point of no return. Some binding decisions may be being made at present.
Realising what's really there in relationships, being fired up with passion, could be all about recognising a soul mate, or getting to the point where a dead in the water tie is accepted as that, and preparing to move on. This doesn't have to be about romance, but emotions are always stirred by a full Moon, and this one is in Aries, about the point where we have to be true to ourselves, not deny how we feel, perhaps.
It could be that a long standing association is now complete, time to explore pastures new.
The world and its news often seems a bit more crazy under an Aries Full Moon, more so when, as now, it jars with the passion planets.
Advice? Try to take a beat or two before reacting to fully assess a situation and its best route forward. Lotsalove 🥰

Wishing you a good Sunday. It's calmer here after a wild wet and windy Saturday that was perfectly suited to a cosy up with a good book or a movie. Cosmically speaking yesterday was powerful as Pluto stationed in Capricorn for the last time in any of our lifetimes, closing a chapter begun in 2008. Capricorn is linked to government, management and to heads of state. Significant events were indicated. RIP Capricorn Alex Salmond whose shock passing yesterday came as Pluto stationed. So that station had impact, and will continue to ricochet, bringing decisions that impact us all that we likely will find out more about after mid November. This unsettled global chapter was always written in the cosmos. Astrologers have been well aware of the historical impact of Pluto shifting sign, of his massively revolutionary journey across Aquarius which has tentatively begun. Look back around 250years for what was shifting for many nations.. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have leaders who can agree on making this planet the best it can be for us all. Yet the reshaping of the cosmic patterns over the coming years holds hope, too as the rising intelligence of our amazing youth will find new paths. I have a lot of faith in these youngsters. 💖 Moon is jarring with Uranus today, so if you feel a bit nervy or tum unsettled, if you're a bit off kilter, that's not a surprise. Look out for surprise twists and turns around prominent women over the next couple of days. And as we have a swelling Moon, heading for her fullness in Aries come Thursday lunchtime, and with some sparky, jarring aspects around that, this could be a week where we cannot ignore what's patently, obviously needing attention. So there might be pressures to "get a move on" with projects and plans. Independence is a theme for the fiery Aries full Moon, as is self motivation. Headstrong characters can take centre stage, but so, too, can heroes who save the day. This Aries full Moon happens each year as the Libra Sun highlights our relationships with others, and this one is unsettled, reflective of what's going on out there in the world. Stepping back from any tensions and taking a mindful overview could be a good plan just now. And if in doubt, sit it out. Look out for some very special people shining, too, in the coming days. And in a mixed up crazy world, remember, love wins .❤️ 🌟 Have a good one all.

Tuesday 1st October 2024 We are currently in the dark of the Moon, in the deeper shadow of an annular solar eclipse happening (UK time) tomorrow evening at 19:49hrs BST in Libra, sign of the scales, the one sign of the zodiac not depicted by a living being, noted for constantly assessing and appraising situations, for managing to navigate life successfully, by reading the room, keeping a finger on the pulse of the moment. Libra feels balanced by partnership, not necessarily romantic, and this eclipse could be marking a significant turning point. a moment of truth in a key involvement.
Is there a connection that's in need of renegotiation? Or is it time to call time? Is it time to make a decisive move in the direction that will best work for you?
This is a Ring of Fire eclipse, which means that as the Moon passes in front of the Sun, ( creating a new Moon of course) it will look as if all there is of the Sun ( but don't be looking at it directly please.. is a circle, a hoop of fire. So The Moon ( the feminine/nurturing principle of a relationship) is stepping forward, saying, right, let;s get this show on the road.
While you are best not to go leaping into new plans till the new Moon is a day or so old.. you'll probably be aware of something going on right now that is stirring you to need to do things a bit differently.
The planet Uranus is rising in Taurus at the eclipse, with an echo of last Spring about it, too, so maybe financially, it's a point of assessment and a time to look into things like energy bills, into what can be put to better use, or maybe recycled. Capricorn is at the zenith of this chart, again pointing back to last springtime and to practical choices that make sense. Possible around family commitments and career plans. Some will make moves that allow a better balanced existence.
The eclipse has a sharp angle to Mars in Cancer. Family relationships could be under pressure, not necessarily through aggro, maybe a touch of agitation. Peace is definitely much wanted by this eclipse. But...all the same, watch for grumpy/moody characters ( Mars is traditionally men, but this could be alpha females) who are feeling the need to push forward while being in some way tied or held back. November's second week should bring some progress with what's been restrictive.
Certain relationships may be under scrutiny, but with this eclipse being ruled by Venus in Scorpio, the cosmos advises we tend our own back yards, do the weeding and clearing and tidying of our own affairs, rather than jumping to conclusions about what's going on with others.
Read the road ahead, but try not to jump the lights.
Lotsalove 🥰

Sunday 8th September 2024 Oh Saturn is putting some of his limits and boundaries around us this weekend, slowing things down, requiring us to tend the tasks, but often what feels restrictive can work out well, with patience rewarded. Hope your Sunday is good. Saturn meets his exact opposition to the Sun today, which can feel serious, tugs us to duty more than usual. I'm going to be tackling some won't wait a day longer ironing. All in a good cause. After today things start to feel less weighty. Less "waity" too..and tomorrow sees Mercury arriving back in Virgo, after all the retrograde time. He repeats a message from July 25th. Things that have been in hold may start happening this week, everything at once for some. A completion, conclusion point ahead, arrangements settled by the eclipsed full Moon of 18th. Hope your weekend is being kind. Lotsalove 💖

Tuesday 3rd September 2024 Those with Virgo strong in their charts ( this is where today's new Moon is) are often to be found ( if they can be found) giving selflessly, with no thought of applause, to help their fellow humans. They won't always be sweet about it, indeed they may sometimes be snappy in their giving, but it's always sincere and their hearts are golden.

They are the unsung heroes who make the world feel just a bit more bearable when there are troubles, they are drawn to healing, mending, sorting problems out.

Virgoan types can overthink, over work, overburden themselves at times, and need periodically to recharge through being out there with nature, or retreating into a clever book.

They spot fakery fast, but can sometimes be super analytical to the point that it's hard to find the right "moment" for commitments. Going with the flow can be a challenge, but getting away from it all helps.

Rules by restless Mercury, this is a sign that tends to stay pretty youthful, but can suffer from digestive issues linked to stress. Walking eases this. Virgo also likes feeling squeaky clean, so showers and baths soothe too!

Virgo is associated with the Corn Goddess, with Astraea, who was the last of the Gods to give up on us humans, at the end of the Golden age. Virgo may frown and tut tut, but they don't easily give up on a person. Could be a good one to have in your corner, for sure.🥰

Monday 2nd September 2024  We're in Moon-dark now, with the new Virgo Moon coming at 0256hrs tomorrow 3rd September, and along with it we have power planet of "what lies beneath" Pluto back in Capricorn, sign of government, of authorities and of security and then there's Mars a wee bit nippy preparing to leave but not quiet away, in Gemini , digging up stories, not wanting to leave things be that we think need action. Mars is squaring Neptune, planet of idealism, of imagination, imagery, movies, music, dance, magic, but also of what's not real... so watch for tall tales, and possible slip ups. Virgo is all about the detail, so double check yours. Having said that, some benefits will appear through what doesn't happen.. there's often a flip side that favours... Lotsalove.🥰

Friday 30th August 2024  Does it feel as though we're on the brink of a seismic shift, of a landmark moment, maybe many? Pluto is about to return for his finale in Capricorn, which if you are a Capricorn may be saying, "and finally, this is the shape of things to come", very possibly for many of us, of all signs, redressing old balances. Karma seems to be at work, too. Longterm testing times are closing for many. Anything spring to mind that's been a theme since 2008?   Some big initiatives will be taken over the coming weeks, to set injustices to rights, to tackle areas that have been left unsorted for long enough. It's  a key chapter, between now and November 19th.  More next time.  Wishing you a good weekend.  Lotsalove all 🥰

Monday 19th August 2024  How are you feeling on this unusually powerful full Moon day? (Full Moon is 19:26hrs BST) Aquarius is where the Moon is, which means the Sun is opposite, in Leo.
There are so many posts on this Moon, that I hesitated to add mine, but just note how you're faring, and note what's going on in the world.
Leos and Aquarians or those with those signs rising, or as Moon signs, culminating, key planets around the degree of this lunation ( 27 degrees.. this impacts those with Taurus and Scorpio placements at that degree with added intensity too). Actually we are all impacted, but some will feel it more powerfully.
Today also marks Jupiter [in Gemini, sign of siblings, neighbours, communications, of breathing itself and movement] the planet of expansion, travel, freedom, opportunity in a fairly rare square ( at odds with) with Saturn [in Pisces, matters maritime, liquids, gases, sign of healing and compassion and arts], Saturn being the planet of business, property, caution, restrictions, construction, and this aspects often marks a key time politically, linked to those who lead, and a time when we also realise certain things cannot continue as they are ( Full Moon marks completion, peaking, tide turning time), so we have to roll sleeves up and tackle a project, or else we need to take our own skills and potentials seriously and make use of education, training, chances to boost security, get help or advice from experts..
Given that Venus is in this mix, look out for kindness from those who come up with solutions and suggestions, often women, when it's Venus.
And as Mercury is backtracking, today aligned with the Sun, answers can appear, out of the blue, things can get fixed and some very good work can get done.
Do watch for reversals ( The Leo Sun is jarring against Uranus, ruler of this full Moon) such as folk changing their minds about situations they seemed fairly committed to, but now perhaps seeing where they need to fine tune things, perhaps make some adjustments.
Health wise, the central nervous system, the spine, back and circulatory system can be jangly, so try not to push things to the limit. There's an electricity in the air. Headaches, chest aches, back aches, bone aches, and general exhaustion can have us feeling less than fabulous. Pacing is smart.
Many people see a mention of a busy cosmos and assume that something is about to be thrown at them that they won't be able to handle, but the aspects out there are echoing what's happening with us, so look around, have a think about that pot pourri of planetary activity and you'll see where it already IS at work in your life. Enjoy the beauty of these full Moon nights, almost peachy coloured, and yes, super, as it's a bit closer to Earth, so a bit clearer to see, too. Lotsalove all 🥰

Happy Sunday all! There's a magnificent, beautiful full Aquarius Moon swelling up. If you feel supercharged just now, as though whatever you're doing you should be doing something else, something more, wanting to break away from old patterns, to bring positive changes.. that's the Moon mood. It's not bad, it's not good, it just IS..and it echoes what is out there. Jarring moments can come around this full, humanitarian, breakaway, independent, "teen rebel" Moon, and so might shock changes for the better. Reversals where they were least expected. Watch for mad drivers, stay safe on the roads, be aware of any tingling jangles that show you're being triggered to over react. Maybe things DO need to change, but it's an idea to pace..not leap in anger or hyped reaction. Tho sometimes people leap to help, and this full Moon is happening in the sign of humanity, of friendship. Aquarius is contrary tho. Don't tell an Aquarius what to do!! They know way better.. well they often do. The cosmos reflects a time of global shifts just now, political reversals being a part of this. It's a time when ancient injustice can reach the turning point like a chicken breaking out of an egg, unable to be contained any longer. Things meet their time. Between now and November there will be many big shifts I see a lot of POSITIVE changes. This full Moon means no harm, enjoy her beauty. She's nudging us to dare to believe we can make a difference, be the difference. Lotsalove all 💖

Monday 12th August 2024  With Mars making a lot of noisy aspects, this is a week for getting things done.. a backlog tackled, perhaps. Not a time to force the pace, or to lose sight of compassion or to be anything bar straightforward, but a good time to roll up the sleeves and quietly press on. Have you got a list in mind? 🙃

Saturday 3rd August 2024.  This is Moondark. the day before the Moon becomes new in Leo, (which will happen tomorrow, Sunday 4th at 12:13pm noon) and between the crazy sunspot action and solar flares, there's a lot of pressure, which will be felt quite literally, as explosive energy, bursting heads, restless urges to be doing something "more", maybe feeling the need to get to the bottom of mysteries, to know "exacty" where we stand. It's a powerhouse of intensity as Pluto has opposed this dying Moon and Saturn has been blocking things off. Mercury is practically stationary, and will be on Monday, then retrograding until 28th from there through Virgo, sign of details, of analysis, and of service. Then back into Leo, so some retracing of steps, covering old ground, maybe some second time around situations too. Look out for issues of "service" cropping up just now, and for talk of rules and legalities changing. Something that's been troublesome may reach a point of harmony ( or of common sense ruling) as this week opens out , with official information underlined around midweek for many. 

New Moon reminds us to create the joy we seek, to make the most of the gift of life, and to shine as our best selves, not for anyone, but to make ourselves ( and our ancestors) proud. Now might be when you make a romantic plan, press a start button on a pleasure project, spread wings, make new connections, or maybe even reconnect with those who ight you up. Have a good week all. Lotsalove 💗

Saturday 20th July 2024 
There's still the crackle of something in the air, as Mars and Uranus are still close, that crazy unpredictable and jarring connection much in evidence, and the second full Moon in a month in the same sign, of Capricorn, is coming this Sunday 21st July, at 11: 17hrs BST exact, plus we have a sign shift of Mars this Saturday evening at 21:43hrs BST, as Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini, so his attention has gone elsewhere is the message of Mars!  
Full Moon is close to Pluto, so this is very much a changeover time. 
Look out for many instances of the old order changing. The changing of the guard. 
 There's apprehension in the air, and yet there could be some unexpectedly hopeful "solutions" coming that have been long needed. If I were to do this as a weather forecast, it'd be sunny intervals in  cloudy times. This cosmic picture shows a lot of mass emotion being stirred over the next week,  a time of departures and closures and turnarounds, followed by a "lets get this show on the road" vibe by the weekend.  
Have a good one all, lotsalove .💗

Friday 12th July 2024   Maybe you already feel it, the jangly, unnerving atmosphere, laced with a sense of progress and movement. There's huge intensity around in the cosmos right now, as Venus opposes Pluto, which can stir deep issues in relationships, test loyalties and mark the kind of struggles that bring metamorphosis. Nothing is ever quite the same, like the chick hatching from the egg, it cannot return. Pluto has a power loaded feel, with resources also in line for scrutiny, as well as matters physical. It may be a time of all change personal milestones being reached or lines drawn in the sand. Some deeper realisations slip up to the surface, about who means what to you, what's stirring certain deeper emotions, and with Mars aligning with Uranus, exact come Monday, there may be some difficult decisions and conversations happening just now. There's a Scorpio Moonphase over Sunday/Monday. That's often when humanity can show it's best and worst. Folk going above and beyond and being amazing, some going low.  

""Removals" are a theme, too. Surgical matters may feature, as may upgrades and technological issues. The massive solar flares around us have also created havoc of late, more so since May 10th. ( physical fatigue and lethargy, migraines, headaches to name but a few health nuisances) There are glitches linked to satellites, and given we now have ten times more of them up there since 20yrs ago, the digital world is getting faster but subject to shudders too. Have back ups in place, folks, have cash handy and don't just rely on cards. 

Mars and Uranus can bring brand new shiny things your way, but other aspects around this warn against crazy impulses too, like taking chances with speeding or being too hasty physically, when taking a breath and assessing a situation could be wiser,

That aspect of Mars with Uranus is connected to events around last autumn into January, and it has high drama potential, suggests as we are already seeing, these next few days are set to see some big news on the world stage.  Uranus says " expect the unexpected", and brings twists and turns, reversals, upsets, excitement, breakthroughs.  Uranus is revolutionary and stirs an inner agitation that seeks an outlet. Put action planet Mars alongside, aligning with fixed star Algol, and there's always potential for drama, for danger, for heroics too. People can achieve an unexpected personal best, but they can also be bruised by impetuousness, so it's wise to simply be mindful. 

We are being drawn towards a second Capricorn ( government, authority, status, security, buildings, achievement) full Moon next Sunday 21st July, the first being back on 22nd June. That's a bit of a blue Moon, adding to the feeling that we are seeing unprecedented events and maybe being given (second) chances, out of the blue, too.  Next weekend Mars enters Gemini, too. There'll be a lot to talk about. Wishing you a peaceful, successful week ahead, with love.💗

Friday 5th July 2024 I'm feeling the "fix this" vibe from Mars sextile Saturn. Time to get things done..look at ways of losing the lethargy.. let's make a start, however small, get these wheels moving. What is your must do plan right now? Tonight's new Moon message is about preparedness, making that list and making a workable plan.

July 3rd 2024� Moon is in Gemini,� and ruler Mercury is opposing Pluto, teasing secrets out today, and perhaps recommending us to dig deeper beneath the surface for accurate and fullest information, given that there's a general election tomorrow in UK, under a dark Moon. New Cancerian Moon shines just minutes from midnight, Friday�5th July, and it's very much one that's about taking charge of caretaking in so many senses. About taking the bull by the hrns and doing what's needed to turn things around. Wherever that's needed. No more procrastinating, time for business!� The lunar light over the weekend has some sparkly moments and for some, unexpected invitations, offers, lively suggestions are up and coming. There's more of a sense of getting things done and making things happen than seems to have been feasible, for many of us.� Here's to the sanity of humanity ..let it prevail.� 😊 written for you with love from me 💗

23rd June 2024 Sunday smiles wished for you. How's your Capricorn full Moon weekend been so far? We were overjoyed to watch our Capricorn firstborn grandson graduating on Thursday evening. Overflowing with pride and joy to see his parents' delight. Blessings counted for sure. Capricorn tends to have to put the work in but rises, gets to the mountain top, through sheer persistence. Often a few helpful contacts too, as this sign knows the value of harmonious connections. There's usually a strong family tree. The Capricorn ♑ Moon phase can be one where we are wise to pace ourselves, tend what we must but not scatter our energies too much. Take care of business where it's called for, but don't overstretch. As a full Moon begins to wane, we may not be super energised, a bit like clearing up after a party. pace yourself..😊 written for you with love from me 💗

Thursday 20th June 2024� �Tonight at 21:51hrs BST� Summer Solstice. Sun comes to Cancer.��Time for a pause.. sol-stice = Sun at standstill. Permission to "be". Moon swelling to her fullness in Capricorn come the early hours of Saturday, reminding us we have choices, that if what we began as the year opened isn't shaping up, we can try a different solution, a new option, and that for some, given there's another full Capricorn Moon on 21st July, what seems to pass us by, may return in a new shape, as a fresh opportunity.. It's a key time for you Capricorns, a milestone moment, time to stop and bask in your achievements? Time to catch your breath, ready for the next chapter? And Cancerians, here comes your birthday month, when gradually, you get more lit up and energised. Lotsalove all🥰

Thursday 13th June 2024��

Hey, my Pisces friends.. how are you doing with Saturn and Neptune in your sign? Saturn can bring aches and pains and learning curves, along with the urge to withdraw a little, make your circle smaller, keep it real, focus on what serves you best for a change, maybe?

Saturn and Neptune can bring now or never moments where you recognise that if you don't tackle an issue now, maybe you never will, or if you keep putting off doing the things you aspire to, maybe time won't be on your side, so Saturn as the Time Lord is reminding us to value our time.

Pisces is most personally impacted, so if that's your star sign, your rising or Moon sign, it's more intense. The other signs ( Sun/Moon/Rising esp) also feeling this more acutely are Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius. But if you are reading and resonating, chances are your personal chart is triggered, and it's an idea to maybe think about what these planets are trying to encourage you to work on.

Lotsalove ✨💫🪐💜

Tuesday 11th June 2024� The cosmos is not so sweet just now. Fiery Mars is in stubborn Taurus.. great for persistence but can be too forceful and break things as he is right now in a jarring square aspect to Pluto. It can be amazing for persistence that pays off, but also explosive in terms of "I've had enough of this and stomping off with a wall punch thrown in" kinda thing. Digging deep, feeling frustration, little things causing big issues, some possibly taking till Friday to be fully resolved. Blind spots mean we might miss something obvious that slows things down. Bear in mind it'll be little details that solve puzzles, and it does look like Friday sees wheels rolling once more. Good luck and stay safe and don't punch walls as it hurts. ( not that I've done that...yet) . Lotsalove all. 🩵

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Great day for getting things done and dusted behind the scenes, for connecting with folk with new ideas for making things, and bodies, too, work better.
Make those calls, write those letters/emails, set wheels rolling in their best direction for you. Tidy up the loose ends.
Dreams could be telling us things we need to know, too. Helpful things.
Unexpected warmth or kindness shines this Tuesday.
As there's a new Gemini Moon on Thursday ( 13:38hrs BST) this is a good time for getting ready for new chapters. Emphasis is on communications, on mobility, on twin pronged issues, and on siblings, neighbours, on key information.
Lotsalove as ever, from me,

Today, Friday 24th May 2024.. As go to it, go do it action and fiery impulse planet Mars is in Aries, his own natural domain, in aspect with serious Saturn, planet of authorities, boundaries, of restrictions, of safety measures for our own good, and sometimes, stop signs that make no sense.. and as Saturn is in watery, elusive, imaginative Pisces, watch for jumping to conclusions that hem you in, and also for resolutions being made on the basis of what's not working as well as it ought to for you. Moon is now waning, but she's still full in "don't fence me in" Sagittarius, so try not to race when a walk is fine.. pace yourself wisely today and take time to look thoroughly into ideas, as this weekend with planet Jupiter ( ruler of that Sagittarius full Moon) is about to move sign, ( into Gemini at 0:15hrs BST Sunday 26th, last there between June 2012-June 2013) so this rolls new possibilities, new options onto the horizon. Could be liberating for many.

Tuesday looks like a helpful day for getting matters firmed up, decided, signed off, sorted.

Meantime look out for one of those "stuck" situations getting unstuck and moving this evening, around 7-8pm.

Have a good weekend all, lotsalove 🥰

Thursday 23rd May 2024��

Full Moon today at 14:53hrs BST in Sagittarius, sign of adventure, travel, of spreading the news, taking a gamble, a leap of faith, teaching and further education.

Are you feeling hyped up or laid back? Trying to sift through information, to fact find for a deadline? It may be that things are coming together , being resolved. But feelings do run higher at the swelling of the Moon, and there's a lot coming to the surface just now for a sort out, a bit like like the flotsam and jetsam that's been lurking around just below the sea's surface, cast up and evicted onto dry land by a storm.

What to do with the debris? Many choices and indeed realisations will be made about the resolution of ancient issues over the next week or two. Tis pouring here, so I'm glad to be at the desk recording monthly scopes for June. Stay dry all and lotsalove 🥰

Monday 20th May 2024� Gemini rules the sky now, as the Sun arrived there at 13:59hrs BST today, or rather we arrived in line with where the Sun rises each morning in Gemini for a month.. anyhow, by Saturday we'll also have Jupiter in Gemini and this week feels like one where words have added power, where things are coming to a crescendo, maybe after an age of limbo , of silence, of trying to keep a lid on things or keeping the peace.

Watch for moments this week when the words "FINALLY, AT LAST" will feature. And if you are a Gemini, you may be bursting with travel urges, with the need to broaden your vistas, do more.. free yourself up.. it's all bursting through as I look ahead, like Spring blossoms. Much focus on media, legalities, international issues, travel and education, and on the written and spoken word.. ✨💫♊️

Sunday 19th May 2024 Okay it's afternoon now and I meant to write this earlier, but I got distracted..Sun and Neptune ( ruler of my sign Pisces) are in a floaty aspect and I'd go as far to say it's a day when minds can wander..attention spans may be shorter, but it's good for compassion and creativity, letting imagination flow. Lose yourself in a great book .. ideally sat outdoors if that's feasible. Look into ways of turning dreamy ideas into plans. Reshaping the garden, getting a window box or tubs.. filling them with colour. Libra Moon makes it a good day for sharing time with like minded souls. Have a good one, all. Lotsalove 💖

Monday 6th May 2024: Moon is dark in Aries now, (entering Taurus tonight at 22:42hrs BST) preparing for her renewal, the Taurus new year point, on Wednesday morning from 04:22.

Today is a strange one, with a heaviness around it and some nostalgia too. Things of the past, diaries, photos, all trigger deeper thoughts and can unsettle, to be honest, even though they remind us of the roots and shoots of our lives so far. Go gently, I always say at Moondark, more so today, when that Aries Moon can make us feel a tug between "doing" and "thinking". It's good to think out a plan then do, though. Afternoon is well suited to dreamy stuff.. so no guilt tripping if you aren't as productive as you think you should be! Lotsalove��💜

Sunday 28th April 2024 As Mars conjuncts Neptune over the next couple of days in particular..we are more aware of the shadows that tug at our souls..sometimes it's a flat tire/cracked screen time. Don't drive yourself too hard or fast through any sort of "fog". If you're weary, don't sign up for a sprint. Pace, rest, recharge. Listen well. Sometimes when Mars conjuncts Neptune, for some, it's having the rug tugged, banana skin slips. This week, I think people will surprise us. Some with unexpected effort and warmth that might melt shadows. Second chances could be given, in the spirit of compassion, but stay alert. Think first of your own oxygen mask. Scams may be exposed. This aspect is akin to sleight of hand. Double check the provenance before you commit. Yes Mercury is now direct, but not yet up to speed. Like someone returning to the office after a break. Piles on the desk to plough through. It doesn't all start happening at once. And sometimes the faster we try to go the easier it is to trip ourselves up. Shipping is again in focus as is the oil and gas industry. Just be canny and look beneath the surface. If in doubt..sit it out and do some research. If you've been sad, hurt, let down ..come the end of the week your inner soul strength soars back... there's healing potential, in many cases as hands are less tied and straightforward action becomes possible. New plans begin to take shape. Your horoscopes for the coming week are here as ever written for you with love from me Lotsalove 💗 With Tuesday 23rd April 2024 comes a full Moon in deeply emotive, powerfully intuitive Mercury reaches standstill. Added to the longer term implications behind and ahead of recent eclipses, of big planetary angles already afoot, this is a landmark chapter for many of us. Life may be turning a new key in the door of tomorrow. We might be reaching a point of no return, making life impacting choices. Secrets can spring out, or rather we may feel they have no place in our lives any more. Relationships we have perhaps invested too much in, give n take imbalanced, well, maybe the scales will refuse to be jolted further. Steps back may be taken. There inevitably will be endings under Scorpio Full Moon, but also moments of truth, realisations of deep feelings at opposite ends of the spectrum. Love can blossom, too. Watch for moments where suddenly, you might liberate yourself by letting go of old chains, by daring to be exactly who you are, not some Instagram perfect conforming to peer group image, which happens often for fear of being left out.. truth is as long as we do that, our fabulous REAL gets devalued Being real is awesome. Dare to do you. Retro Mercury is heading for standstill then direct from Thursday 25th April..out of his shadows come 13th May, by which time big decisions may feel simpler as facts previously hidden have by the most likely come to light. Today, Sunday 21st April 2024, there are huge aspects but they don't just impact today. They are in effect some time before and after. Travel, law, politics and education/information enlarger planet of freedom and expansion Jupiter is conjunct renegade, revolutionary Avant Garde, glittering genius, wild, do it differently planet Uranus, together in Taurus, sign of budding spring, of the material, physical, financial world, once in 12 years this happens, and the last time actually in Taurus was May 1941. Breakthroughs, larger than life social events, fundraising, taking a chance on our own potential.. crowds..out of the ordinary experiences and events. Crazy over the top stuff.. The planet Pluto is in square with the Sun. Stripping things back, razing old structures, ready to be reborn. Situations that have become untenable reach points of action. We can make a difference..a big difference around this time. We might be setting old records straight, finally tackling issues we know we need to. Off with the old, on with the new. News may be pivotal. Aspects have positive power as well as negative. You might be reconnecting with good friends, gutting an area of your home, making changes that have long been on the back burner. There will be events outwith our control as always, but we can control ourselves..don't leap back into old flames that burned you sore before..but do clear the old clutter to clear the path ahead. Maybe it's time to recognise the power YOU have to make the most of life's opportunities. Mercury retrograde says..take time to get your bearings and get the details right . Written for you with love from me 💖

Thursday 18th� April 2024� Mercury remains retrograde, so stay canny about making new plans. A good time to explore and investigate your options, though, and to tend unfinished business that's been on the back burner. Friday being a go ahead make it happen day for what's been on that back burner a while. Sun shines across Taurus from 1500hrs BST, welcoming the month for buds and blossoms, and for many a Taurus this could be a memorable time of all sorts of unexpected developments, opportunities and liberation from restrictive situations.

Jupiter is conjuncting Uranus, in a once every 12 yers aspect, and not seen� in Taurus since the 8th May 1941,�exact by Sunday but in effect now and for a while around then. We are moving towards an intense full Moon come Tuesday, where love sees us through tougher times, but Scorpio being where the Moon swells full, the news continues to be contrasting. I'm sure this will be much written about, but Jupiter and Uranus point to breakouts, things suddenly bursting through, unexpectedly, larger than life developments. Sometimes serendipity, luck finding us, yet it depends on where these two connect in your natal chart, and luck comes in many disguises too. Once when this conjunction was happening, a friend had a business deal fall apart, was pretty devastated, then struck another, better one a few weeks later. So you might think it was lucky that the first deal fell apart. Lots of oter instances of situations where being in a certain place at a certain time led to a sliding doors moment.� Luck comes in her own shape.�

Mercury stations midweek and becomes direct from Thursday at 13:54hrs BSt..takes a wee while for various middels and details to get straightened out, and a good idea not to go full pelt into new plans, tread gingerly for a week or so, to get the full lay of the land and let Mercury catch up, to bring - relevant to decisions-��information.

Take care and lotsalove��💫🪐🌏🌟🌙⚡️🌚🌞

We're in the shadow of an upcoming solar eclipse, happening in Aries on Monday 8th, (19:21hrs BST).

It's the annual Aries new Moon of course, but a total eclipse is more meaningful, as that solar light is switched right off, leaving us in the dark, before it's switched on again. In the lead up to this we may have the wobbles, much as if we were aware we have a new chapter ahead, ( new learning ahead, new job, home, baby, marriage, new state of independence, end of an era, a challenge that sparks the need to begin afresh) but not sure how we will navigate it.

If your birthday is around 8th or is you know you have planets or chart points around 19.24 Aries, this is probably a portent of new chapters ahead that you're aware of already.

This eclipse happened on 8th April 1986 and again on 8th April 2005, so around those dates, like a ripple cast by the throwing of a pebble into a pond, life may have brought something of a landmark for those who have chart connections as mentioned, although you will know if those were significant phases.

This shadow phase can have us feeling weary, under par, often as the psyche is asking for space to prepare, maybe to rest up in readiness for a big ask.

Are you feeling that wariness, approaching something new? Just some cosmic food for thought

lotsalove 💫🪐🌏🌟🌙⚡️🌚🌞

Friday 22nd March 2024� Mars is on the cusp of�reflective, wandering, poetic and compassionate, watery�Pisces, leaving airy, stubborn,�intellectual Aquarius at 23:47hrs GMT for six weeks of firing up the water signs with new purpose, perhaps less patience at times, too. ( Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) . Today's Virgo Moon�has a bit of a jarring (slightly rattled)��sense that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, maybe there's something else needing thought, action, attention. Try�writing a list to�prioritise?� It may feel as though things are hurtling forward in some sense, that there's just not enough time or head space, with a swelling Moon ( full and eclipsed in Libra, sign of the bridge and the balance, 07:00am GMT on Monday)� trying to weigh and balance options, maybe sift through facts, figures, possessions, to get the best "Balance"� could be a theme.� Saturday from about 3pm, through�Sunday has� some welcome�warmth and ease. Look for the pluses, if you can and try to look beyond�stuff you can't do too much about for now,��and allow yourself some mellow moments too.

We're in eclipse season, which� means arrivals and departures,�closure and completion, sweeping away aspects of the past, crossing over new thresholds.� For some this is a very big deal, if the eclipse points touch off personal areas of the birth chart.� You will already know if some "big deal" stuff is afoot. There's something of a rollercoaster effect at work, at the moment, so along with the�dips, there'll be highs, too.� As the signs of Aries and Libra are in the spotlight, the pattern and balance of�relationships could�be shifting.� Librans may be making news this weekend.� The upcoming solar eclipse in Aries on 8th April is on the Princess of Wales' Midheaven,( career, duty and status point), suggestiing her re-emergence as planned, incidentally.��

Advice for today?� Try not to overthink, or to rush. Put one foot steadily in front of the other and you'll get there. Lotsalove��💫✨🪐💙

Friday 15th March 2024 There's a poignancy in the air over the coming days, as we head to Equinox, come Wednesday 20th (03:06am GMT). Much compassion and easy chat under today's Gemini Moon that stays with us till Sunday morning. The Pisces Sun meets Neptune on Sunday, in the part of the sky where we already have Venus and Saturn, which gives a funny old mix of potentials. Health services and hospitals underlined, The Arts, movies, photography ( yup, a bit sensittive of late) and artistry n all forms are� to the fore. A splendid Oscars ceremony is a shiny example of the positive side of this.� �Neptune also brings out the actors who are con artists, and scams should be watched for, more than usual, at this time.� The wearing of Masks. Telling of tall tales.� �Neptune rules the seas and the oil and gas industries may be making headlines too. This is not a prediction of good or bad, it's an indication of what's highlighted.�

Neptune can bring tears..gentle release, misty joy,��and sadness, with the stirring of poignant memories.

On a deeper level,� Neptune can, when aspecting your personal chart points, have you feeling kinda lost in the mist, wanting to escape, seeking a path that's yet to appear.� It's often a good idea to gently go with the flow of how you feel rather than make binding choices if this resonates for you. Don't beat yourself up for anything that's failed to live up to expectations. �Take your time, as you would finding your way through a fog. Try not to put yourself in a position of vulnerability to anything that might be hard to resist but not so good for you.

If you are creative, get creating if you can, if you love movies and books, lose yourself that way and you recharge the batteries. Go a walk by water, have a soak in the bath, over the weekend especially. Neptune is linked to rain and snow.. so your weather may reflect this.�

Have a good weekend all. Lotsalove.�💫✨🪐💙

Friday 8th March 2024� We are in an unsettled phase, especially felt by those with chart points and planets around 19-20 degrees, of any sign, though particularly��in fixed signs, Aquarius, Leo. Taurus, Scorpio.� There's a general aspect that's jarring and which could stir shake ups, confrontations or clashes, crashes, breakages, accidents from hastiness or lack of planning. More so for anyone�with those�aforementioned areas of the skies prominent in the natal chart. Men and machinery make headlines, and� It's already in the news. I just read about two freak aircraft incidents. One where a wheel fell off, on take off, damaging vehicles ( thankfully not people) in a car park in California, another were a flight from Barbados to Gatwick was cancelled after a disabled�passenger assistance vehicle hit the stationary aircraft.� Bizarre, freaky situations are around us just now. So go softly.

It is Moondark ( go softly) coming in now, with a new (Super) Moon in Pisces on Sunday morning (9am GMT).� Lights go out, lights go on.� There will be new life, new options arriving, visitors long awaited, discussions finally happening, some processes�that'll go on till May.. Legalities that are underway could be about to light up, and official documents could be the focus of completion in June. All very likely linked to what's opening out� from the events of this weekend. Sunday seems to be turning a key in a door to a plan or process that will unfold in three steps.

Take care while Mars is jarring with Uranus just now, over the next couple of days. Particularly as it's Moondark ( not enough light to see by) . Think of it as�a level crossing where express trains are running and gates left open. Think ahead, look before leaping. It can be hard to avoid a degree of agitation, but we can probably minimise it. And for some it'll just be a mad whirl that hypes things up..� If you're a Pisces, this is your new year, fresh start new Moon coming in. Get ready to set back burner plans and shelved intentions�in motion!

Have a good weekend all. Lotsalove�💫✨🪐💙


Virgo full Moon coming up this Saturday 24th February lunchtuime�12:30pm GMT.� Finding yourself obsessing over the details? Over thinking information, brain overloaded? Feeling your heels dragging in some situations where you'd usually be rolling forward with ease?� There's a funny old cosmos out there just now. It does always seem that we need to trust gut instincts, but there's also a lot to be said for not trying to think too much ahead ( I know, that sounds rich coming from an astrologer!) of yourself, as sometimes we need to breathe in and out, one step n front of the other and have faith that we've got whatever we need to deal with the rich tapestry of our lives. It looks like March begins with a sense of knowing what we need to do, and of confidence that we can do that.� Virgo full Moon� hypes us about about the details we want settled, so tend those tasks that will leave you feeling more settled in yourself, but don't be beating yourself up about not sprinting ahead just now. Saturn is slowing many of us down, so that what we do achieve, works all the better.. and lasts.� �Lotsalove�💫✨🪐💙


Prince Harry: talked about this on here, back in September, on his birthday, when his chart showed a significant shift coming that looked like he'd draw closer to his father. That's happened, and will happen more so. Rekindling trust with a sibling, after it's been broken is unlikely, though drawing close at a more primitive, almost nursery level over a crisis to add strength to one another is common. afterwards, things can slide back. Incidentally years ago, as a wee boy, William was on one recorded occasion heard to mutter that he didn't want to be King, while Harry piped up "I'll do it!".. I reckon Harry would do it well, too, though from the hour of his birth, when I drew up his chart, I said this is going to be the maverick of the family. I said at his birth, this one will serve in a war, flying helicopters. Ten years in the army, in a career he didn't want to give up, but was forced to. Likewise when Fergie arrived, her chart showed she was going to rip apart the net curtains and be quite a catalyst. Her chart is challenged. In our neck of the woods, Ayrshire, King Charles has been a wonderful ally and is very well thought of. There are so many good things he's done around his Dumfries House estate and into local communities. The essence of the man known in these parts, is kindly, and if he struggled to find his way through the minefield of an antiquated system that demanded he marry someone ( beautiful, wonderful in all of her own ways but also human) who fitted a check list rather than someone who would bring out the best in him ( as Camilla does), well he's clearly found a deeper contentment in this marriage, and it shows. We are all flawed. Astrologers have for years said he would never ascend the throne, or it could be a short reign. I said ( on national TV around the late 90's) that he would marry Camilla and be crowned King when his mum was very old) I'm not keen to look at folks' lifespans, so I shall leave that stuff alone, and wish our King the best of health. He is, of course a Scorpio, sign of the Phoenix. The recent arrival of Pluto to Aquarius is opposing Leo, sign of monarchy, also the rising signs ( health linked) of Catherine and Charles. Look to late July for re-birthings. Also Leo is the sun sign of Meghan, who looks frailer of late, too. This transit through Aquarius is about reshaping and stripping things back. William's chart has turbulence as Pluto exactly squares his chart ruler Jupiter in Scorpio, and that demands he strips things back and digs deep into his own emotional resources and resilience. But he's only human, ( isn't it time we all recognised that about folk on pedestals?) and as Pluto is in Aquarius, it's so clearly the right time to modernise and humanise the Firm... Good health wishes to all going through struggles just now and sending love. 🌟❤️‍🩹🩷

Thursday 25th January 2024� The full Leo or Wolf Moon is this evening at 17:54hrs GMT , having earlier connected with Pluto first thing (07:38hrs GMT) then no aspects till that fullness, ten hours later. Things are coming to a peak under a full Moon, and it may be a time when you feel the need to connect with those you love, when you want to clear, declutter, make plans or at least look into possibilities for pleasurable times. Full Moon stirs our emotions, stirs anything that needs to surface and�"come out", and� as planet Mercury is heading towards a connection with Mars this weekend, it's time to do what we know we need to to take care of business, to perhaps take the initiative at work speak out, dare to be a leader, lead from the heart.� The more we stand up now to be counted to prove we care, that we want to make a difference, the better.� Look out for strong women taking centre stage over the coming days, �making headlines, and also watch for peacocks, Leo full Moon comes as there's a station of��Uranus, the shock/awakener�planet, and� that might bring some people to the fore simply because there's nobody else/not enough in numbers,��standing up, being an original thinker..That applies in all sorts of areas right now. So, My full LEO Moon message to you is to have the courage of your heart's convictions and to be true to yourself, and not afraid to speak up, calmly, firmly, to make a difference. You matter.��💫✨🪐💙


Friday 19th January 2024� There's a very "deep" aspect afoot just now,as� the Sun is about to, for the last time in any of our lifetimes, align this Saturday 20th January 2024 in the sign of Capricorn with the planet of the underworld, Pluto, who has been there since 2008, each year making that same alignment at some point between Dec 21st and Jan 20th.� �

This Saturday's final alignment in Capricorn happens just as the Sun then is beginning the month long period of being seen in Aquarius. Then on Sunday, 21st January,� Pluto re-enters Aquarius. This happened last March 23rd till June, and this year is preparing for the long long stay in that sign, bar a brief revisit to Capricorn between September and November.

So this Saturday's final Capricorn conjunction of the Sun with Pluto is clearing away something that's maybe dogged footsteps for over a decade. It's marking a closure, clearing point.� �There may be turmoil, as what needs to be done to strip things back and bring the rebirthing, the Phoenix from the flames, is rarely swwet or superficial.� Capricorn, Cancer, Libra and Aries are much impacted by this.� It is neither bad not good.� �It simply IS. It can be a troubled chapter that we wish never happened that has somehow changed who we are, or rather has brought our inner selves to the shore..Maybe we're getting things mended that have been long term bugbears, renewing, replacing, refurbishing, relocating ourselves.

Sometimes the process of transitioning into a new era, or of� healing feels too daunting to even dare to attempt it. Sometimes we feel we will open up a can of worms, or have to go through challenges we cannot meet, pain we cannot endure if we set a certain ball rolling.� But the human spirit is amazing. Inspiring. You are, too.
� Pluto times can scratch away at old graves and scrape wounds raw. So we dread Pluto's impact, a bit like how some of us feel as we step over the threshold of a daunting challenge, which once committed to, like a high dive, it feels there's no going back. We have to fess up, tell the story, set it loose, sometimes we have to trust the process,� swept along, like caterpillar to butterfly, over used analogy, yet astounding as a process.

Pluto in simpler form is turmoil from uprootings, refurbishings,� from fixing and mendings.� �Whatever his theme is for you, here's to a successful transition for you.� �Lotsalove.�💫✨🪐💙

Tuesday 16th� January 2024� Neptune lord of the oceans makes many aspects this week. Associated with water in all forms ( snow) , gases, dreamlike states ( anaesthesia),spirits (all sorts) escapist ideas, procrastination, deception (scams) and with poignant memories, movies, glorious creativity ... also with coorying under a blanket with a book and a cuppa..( not me... well not yet..) 💗

Thursday 11th January 2024� New Moon in Capricorn shines from noon here in UK, bringing with it a real take care of business vibe, as Mars in his sign of maximum impact, in Capricorn, also shines brightly over the weekend, suggesting a� time to wholeheartedly put your energies into what you really want to succeed with now, and where in the past you might have felt you were on an uphill strugle, here comes�a feeling of more power to your elbows, for us all, but�especially for those with prominent planets/ Sun/Moon in Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. It's as though your wheels are well greased and there's fuel in the tank for you to go futher. Soon Pluto will be out of Capricorn, after making a final conjunction with the Sun on Saturday 20th January, suggesting endings, finality, renewals and revitalisations following on. Declutter your world now. You won't regret the space you make and the lightness it brings.

Don't fear what has to go at this time.� And look out for news that connects to what was afoot as December began. Some to ing and fro ing has gone on, leading now to settlement, agreement, resolution. Here's what I wrote on 1st December "�Friday 1st December 2023� As Mercury arrives now�in ♑️Capricorn, for a longer than usual visit, due to the upcoming retrograde (13Dec-2Jan) connecting three times with Jupiter in ♉️ Taurus and Saturn in♓️ Pisces, watch for ongoing official processes, possibly involving permissions, releases, results, that will be getting finalised, tied up, very likely over and done with come the third week of January"

So..Mars stirs us to get things done over the coming days, perhaps after a dreamy, poignant or sleepy start to the week.

Have a good one. Lotsalove�💫💜✨🪐💫⭐️

Sunday 7th January 2024..Hope your weekend is kind. 💗 Tis a chilly one here on the west coast but wow.. beautiful day, too. If your mood is reflective, dreamy, decisions floating unmade as yet, don't beat yourself up. It's a good time over the next few shrinking Moon days, (with Mercury both inspired and a bit fogged by Neptune), to allow deeper thoughts to surface for inspection, to become more fully conscious of all angles of ideas before pressing new start buttons. Much of the old pattern is slipping away. Don't fear that process. This is a time of significant shifts. People are moving on, your attachments to old troubles can now also more readily be set free. Dare to believe that you're up to the challenges you may well be setting yourself right now. You are. There's a new Moon in Capricorn at lunchtime on Thursday, and it feels like a time of necessary closure that allows beginnings. We're seeing, on many levels, intense examples of information surfacing that's been long buried or suppressed, leading as this month progres

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