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Personal Audio readings are �50 for approximately 30 mins of assessment of your horoscope, current issues and an AstroTarot forecast, combining the discipline and principles of astrology with the more intuitive flow of Tarot. I've trained as an astrologer, and have worked with Tarot alongside, for over 25yrs.�

Lynne Ewart�s Personal Audio readings,( transmitted to you by mp3 on email) are once again available this autumn.

If you would like to book, then email on [email protected] �and we will get back to you shortly with booking information.

The fee is �50� as stated �and payable either through BACS �or if preferred, by PayPal .

Your Date, Time and Town of birth is required along with any information you choose to share in relation to your request for a reading.�

Best wishes and thank you for your interest!

Lynne 😊

Lynne Ewart Astrology

Personal Readings from Lynne Ewart - client comments

31 August 2017 21:29
Auntie Stars (Lynne Ewart) did me a reading in March. I've just replayed it.She said - this year I would work with two people who has something to do with police, or detectives (I'm doing panto with Darren and Karen Scot Squad.) That in May I would sign a contract to do with music (the Partition documentary) That in June/July I would get some steady work to do with music (Club Tropicana)

And that in September, I will have been DARED to do something huge, that is way out of my comfort zone, and that would lead to other things (hopefully Proms) And that I'd be working away from home for a while. (Panto) There was tonnes of other stuff that was bang on.

Love you Lynne, thank you x �(Tom Urie)

Hi Lynne,
�I wanted to thank you for your reading last week I found it very comforting and has certainly removed a lot of my fears about the future. I didnt know what to expect and it was such a lovely uplifting experience which has helped me understand a lot more about myself and to be accepting of who I am.
�Kind regards and once again many thanks, TS. February

Dear Lynne
Just a belated note to thank you very much indeed for seeing me last Wednesday evening and to let you know how much I enjoyed meeting you and appreciated you giving me a private reading. What you told me about my character and life seemed extremely insightful; there were so many things you said which really struck a chord. I also found what you told me about the coming months extremely reassuring and comforting. Worries about what the future now holds for me at this stage in my life have really been dragging me down for quite some time and I've felt pretty low and negative about so many aspects of my circumstances. You really have made me feel so much more positive about how things will work out. FE.

Dear Lynne,
I am very pleased to tell you that as you predicted ( and I seriously doubted) I have finally graduated with exactly the degree I need....I want to thank you for your support and guidance.
ED�� March�

Hello Lynne
Thank you very much indeed for the audioreading you did for me which I received on 20th September;� I loved it and have been digesting it.I hope to have another reading from you in the future - certainly will let you know the outcome(s) in due course. When someone really appreciates something, thank you never seems enough, but what else can I say, Lynne - thank you so much. Mrs A.M

"Hi Lynne..
Everything worked....
I have just actually listened to my reading twice thru..... Stunned and mind blowing as to how accurate you have got me...
I have never had my astrology chart done and was absolutely fascinated by it and where all the planets and moon were when I was born.I can't thank you enough for the reading... It has really cheered me up and allowed me for the 1st time in a while to look and plan forward.....
Thanks again so much..
J.N.� (Audio reading 17th August )

Hi Lynne
�I have just listened twice to your reading and have found it informative and fascinating. You have pinpointed precisely the issues and concerns I have had over years and given me much help and insight.
�Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this, and how much it is helping me.
�Many thanks and blessings to you.
A.D� (Audio reading 29th August )

"My reading by Lynne Ewart was so insightful; she had pin-pointed my character to a tee and even brought up some pointers that I thought no-one could ever spot! I thought my future was so very uncertain and my confidence was low, but she's reminded me that the power to control (and retain) my own destiny lies with me; nobody else!� She's the detective of the cosmos and translator of the heavens.� Plus she's also a fabulous lady and very grateful to have her do a reading for me. Love and light always xx" LF� Glasgow Feb 5th

"Thank you so much for the Astrotarot reading Lynne.� How accurate was that then!� It� is so�refreshing to read something that accurately relates to and reflects�my life past and present.� The whole reading was presented in a straighforward and clear manner.��� Lynne, the reading has given me confirmation that I am who I am and that the future has got a solid and hopeful feeling about it. The reading was well worth the wait.� Thank you."

"Thank you for your time in preparing my reading and I endorse everything that your most recent client said.
You have given me hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel - thank you Lynne."
"Hello Lynne, a year ago you very kindly sent me a horoscope for the coming months �and I really just want to say that you were absolutely correct in your predictions. Everything you predicted did happen, my house sold, I am now� settled back where I really wanted to be, my life is much busier now and many more opportunities are out there for me.�

I really was desperate and very unhappy when I contacted you, but your kind words so generously given, really helped me through a very difficult time and gave me the optimism to look ahead positively, and I will always be grateful for the true help you gave.� Bit by bit, everything happened just as you had said.� I have always believed in astrology, and even more so these days after your absolutely 'spot-on' prediction for me.� Thank you again - with very kind regards from J."

Testimonials are lovely and so appreciated, but what truly matters to me is how YOU feel about your reading, so I rarely post them, but have been so touched by so many nice am including a few.

Ok I can't tell you if you'll win the lottery, nor can I make the impossible possible, as astrology shows your potential, which is then for you to work with. I cast a chart and analyse it, then I work with my intuition as I prepare the report for you, and no two reports will ever have the same format. I'm tuning into you, and giving back what feels like is right for you at this moment in your life.

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Personal Readings

Lynne Ewart’s Personal Audio readings combining an overview of your personal birth chart,  Astrology and Tarot, (£75  transmitted to you by mp3 on email) are occasionally available but not right now, due to other commitments.There will be a notification on here when the list is open again.

If you would like to be wait listed, then email on  [email protected] 


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