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Pisces Your Stars for the week ahead
(updated every Saturday)


Mars and Saturn align, with nudges to make things happen, and an emphasis on “building”  as well as on resolving old troubles. A meeting or key appointment could happen at short notice. Say yes to what’ll bring an improvement. Call  09044 705711   65p per min  (ROI 1550787012  €0.97per min) to hear more about your week, month or year ahead. Your calls fund my website, so thank you! Full terms and conditions are on the main horoscope page and on the homepage.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Personal Readings

Lynne Ewart’s Personal Audio readings combining an overview of your personal birth chart,  Astrology and Tarot, (£75  transmitted to you by mp3 on email) are occasionally available but not right now, due to other commitments.There will be a notification on here when the list is open again.

If you would like to be wait listed, then email on  [email protected] 


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